Source code for myHmmPackage.cluster_decoder

import numpy as np
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, RegressorMixin
from sklearn.cluster import AgglomerativeClustering
from import tqdm

[docs]class ClusterDecoder(BaseEstimator, RegressorMixin): """ ClusterDecoder is an Estimator that performs supervised decoding with a predefined number of decoding matrices. A clustering method is used to choose which decoding matrix to use for each sample of each input data. The metaparameters are gamma_(ndarray, shape (n_time_points, n_clusters)) and decoding_mats_(ndarray, shape (n_clusters, n_time_points, n_label_features)) :param int n_clusters: Number of desired clusters. default=4 :param ndarray gamma_init: The initial value of gamma_. shape=(n_time_points, n_clusters) or None. default=None :param ndarray decoding_mats_init: The initial value of decoding_mats_. shape=(n_clusters, n_time_points, n_label_features) or None. default=None :param str method: Name of the decoding method used among 'sequential' or 'regression'. default='regression' :param str measure: Measure used for the 'sequential' method. default='error' :param int max_iter: Number of iterations. default=100 :param float reg_param: Regularization parameter. default=10e-5 :param ndarray transition_scheme: Constraints for the cluster transitions. shape=(n_clusters, n_clusters) or None. default=None :param ndarray init_scheme: Initial probability for each cluster. shape=(n_clusters,) or None. default=None :cvar ndarray gamma_: The tensor containing each cluster's probability time-course, of shape=(n_time_points, n_clusters). :cvar ndarray decoding_mats_: The tensor containing the decoding matrices associated to each cluster, of shape=(n_clusters, n_time_points, n_label_features). """ def __init__( self, n_clusters=4, gamma_init=None, decoding_mats_init=None, method='regression', measure='error', max_iter=1e2, reg_param=1e-5, transition_scheme=None, init_scheme=None, ): self.n_clusters = n_clusters # equivalent to K= nb of states in the Matlab implementation self.gamma_init = gamma_init self.decoding_mats_init = decoding_mats_init self.method = method self.measure = measure self.max_iter = int(max_iter) self.reg_param = reg_param # le lambda de la normalisation L2 pour une régression linéaire (utile dans _fit_regression) self.transition_scheme = transition_scheme self.init_scheme = init_scheme
[docs] def fit(self, X, y): """ Estimate model parameters. :param array-like X: The training input samples (brain data) of shape=(n_samples, n_time_points, n_regions) :param array-like y: The target values, An array of int and of shape=(n_samples, n_time_points, n_label_features) :returns: Returns self """ # Check that X and y have correct shape # X, y = check_X_y(X, y, multi_output=True) # See documentation if we want to have more than 2d inputs if not self.__check(X, y): return n_samples, n_time_points, n_regions = X.shape _, _, n_label_features = y.shape # Initialize gamma_, the matrix that affects a cluster for each time point in X if self.gamma_init is None: gamma = np.zeros((n_time_points, self.n_clusters)) div = n_time_points//self.n_clusters for k in range(self.n_clusters): gamma[k*div:(k+1)*div, k] += 1 gamma[self.n_clusters*div:, self.n_clusters-1] += 1 self.gamma_ = gamma else: self.gamma_ = self.gamma_init # Perform clustering and decoding if self.method == 'regression': self._fit_regression(X, y, n_samples, n_time_points, n_regions, n_label_features) elif self.method == 'hierarchical': self._fit_hierarchical(X, y, n_samples, n_time_points, n_regions, n_label_features) elif self.method == 'sequential': self._fit_sequential(X, y, n_samples, n_time_points, n_regions, n_label_features) return self
[docs] def predict(self, X): # y_predict = np.zeros((X.shape[0],X.shape[1],self.decoding_mats_.shape[2])) # for t in range(10): #X.shape[1]): # state = self.gamma_[t,:].tolist().index(1) # y_predict[:,t,:] = X[:,t,:] @ self.decoding_mats_[state,:, :] # y_predict = np.round(y_predict,0).astype(int) # return y_predict """ Find most likely state sequence corresponding to X, then computes y_predict, the predicted labels given X. :param X: The training input samples (brain data) of shape=(n_samples, n_time_points, n_regions) :returns: Returns y_predict, the predicted labels in an tensor of shape=(n_samples, n_time_points, n_label_features) """ y_predict_states = np.zeros((self.n_clusters, X.shape[0], X.shape[1], self.decoding_mats_.shape[2])) for state in range(self.n_clusters): y_predict_states[state, :, :, :] = np.round(X @ self.decoding_mats_[state, :, :], 0).astype(int) y_predict = np.zeros((X.shape[0], X.shape[1], self.decoding_mats_.shape[2])) for t in range(X.shape[1]): state = self.gamma_[t,:].tolist().index(1) y_predict[:, t, :] = y_predict_states[state, :, t, :] return y_predict
def _fit_regression(self, X, y, n_samples, n_time_points, n_regions, n_label_features): if self.transition_scheme is not None: self.transition_scheme = np.array(self.transition_scheme).astype(int) if self.init_scheme is not None: self.init_scheme = np.array(self.init_scheme).astype(int) # Initialize decoding_mats_, the array containing n_cluster matrices, each decoding data for one cluster if self.decoding_mats_init is None: decoding_mats = np.zeros((self.n_clusters, n_regions, n_label_features)) for cluster in range(self.n_clusters): n_time_points_in_cluster = sum(self.gamma_[:, cluster].astype(int)) X_star = X[:, self.gamma_[:, cluster].astype(int) == 1, :] y_star = y[:, self.gamma_[:, cluster].astype(int) == 1, :] X_star = X_star.reshape((n_time_points_in_cluster * n_samples, n_regions)) y_star = y_star.reshape((n_time_points_in_cluster * n_samples, n_label_features)) decoding_mats[cluster] =, X_star) + self.reg_param * np.eye(n_regions)),, y_star)) self.decoding_mats_ = decoding_mats else: self.decoding_mats_ = self.decoding_mats_init for _ in range(self.max_iter): # M step for cluster in range(self.n_clusters): n_time_points_in_cluster = sum(self.gamma_[:, cluster].astype(int)) X_star = X[:, self.gamma_[:, cluster].astype(int) == 1, :] y_star = y[:, self.gamma_[:, cluster].astype(int) == 1, :] X_star = X_star.reshape((n_time_points_in_cluster * n_samples, n_regions)) y_star = y_star.reshape((n_time_points_in_cluster * n_samples, n_label_features)) self.decoding_mats_[cluster] =, X_star) + self.reg_param * np.eye(n_regions)),, y_star)) # E step err = np.zeros((n_time_points, self.n_clusters)) for cluster in range(self.n_clusters): norm = np.linalg.norm((y -, self.decoding_mats_[cluster])), axis=(0, 2)) err[:, cluster] = norm gamma = np.zeros((n_time_points, self.n_clusters)) if self.init_scheme is not None: err[0, self.init_scheme == 0] = np.inf state = np.argmin(err[0]) gamma[0, state] = 1 for t in range(1, n_time_points): if self.transition_scheme is not None: err[t, self.transition_scheme[state] == 0] = np.inf state = np.argmin(err[t]) gamma[t, state] = 1 if (gamma == self.gamma_).all(): break self.gamma_ = gamma def _fit_hierarchical(self, X, y, n_samples, n_time_points, n_regions, n_label_features): time_wise_decoding_mats = np.ones((n_time_points, n_regions, n_label_features)) for t in range(n_time_points): time_wise_decoding_mats[t] =[:, t, :].T, X[:, t, :]) + self.reg_param * np.eye(n_regions)),[:, t, :].T, y[:, t, :])) divergence_mat = np.zeros((n_time_points, n_time_points)) for i in range(n_time_points): for j in range(i+1, n_time_points): err_ij = np.linalg.norm(y[:, j, :] -[:, j, :], time_wise_decoding_mats[i])) err_ji = np.linalg.norm(y[:, i, :] -[:, i, :], time_wise_decoding_mats[j])) divergence_mat[i, j] = err_ij + err_ji divergence_mat[j, i] = err_ij + err_ji # TODO : pb ici avec l'argument precomputed model = AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=self.n_clusters, affinity='precomputed') clusters = model.fit_predict(divergence_mat) gamma = np.zeros((n_time_points, self.n_clusters)) for cluster in tqdm(range(self.n_clusters)): gamma[clusters[cluster], cluster] = 1 del time_wise_decoding_mats del divergence_mat del clusters self.gamma_ = gamma decoding_mats = np.zeros((self.n_clusters, n_regions, n_label_features)) for cluster in range(self.n_clusters): n_time_points_in_cluster = sum(self.gamma_[:, cluster].astype(int)) X_star = X[:, self.gamma_[:, cluster].astype(int) == 1, :] y_star = y[:, self.gamma_[:, cluster].astype(int) == 1, :] X_star = X_star.reshape((n_time_points_in_cluster * n_samples, n_regions)) y_star = y_star.reshape((n_time_points_in_cluster * n_samples, n_label_features)) decoding_mats[cluster] =, X_star) + self.reg_param * np.eye(n_regions)),, y_star)) self.decoding_mats_ = decoding_mats def _fit_sequential(self, X, y, n_samples, n_time_points, n_regions, n_label_features): gamma = np.zeros((n_time_points,self.n_clusters)) states_temp_delimitation = [0] + [int(i * np.round(n_time_points / self.n_clusters)) - 1 for i in range(1, self.n_clusters)] + [n_time_points] err = 0 decoding_mats = np.zeros((self.n_clusters, n_regions, n_label_features)) for states in range(self.n_clusters): # le mat_assig_states[0] = 0 c'est un peu bizarre gamma[states_temp_delimitation[states]:states_temp_delimitation[states +1 ], states] = 1 Xstar = np.reshape([X[:, i, :] for i in range(len(gamma[:, states])) if gamma[i, states]], [int(sum(gamma[:, states]) * n_samples), n_regions]) ystar = np.reshape([y[:, i, :] for i in range(len(gamma[:, states])) if gamma[i, states]], [int(sum(gamma[:, states]) * n_samples), n_label_features]) decoding_mats[states,:,:] = np.linalg.pinv(np.transpose(Xstar) @ Xstar + 0.0001 * np.eye(np.shape(Xstar)[1])) @ (np.transpose(Xstar) @ ystar) err = err + np.sqrt(sum(sum((ystar - Xstar @ decoding_mats[states,:,:]) ** 2, 2))) err_best = err gamma_best = gamma decoding_mats_best = decoding_mats for _ in tqdm(range(1, self.max_iter)): gamma = np.zeros((n_time_points, self.n_clusters)).astype(int) while True: states_temp_delimitation = np.cumsum(1.0 + np.random.rand(1, self.n_clusters)) states_temp_delimitation = np.round(np.concatenate((np.array([0]), np.round(n_time_points * states_temp_delimitation / max(states_temp_delimitation))))).astype(int) if ~any(np.asarray(states_temp_delimitation) == 0) and len(np.unique(states_temp_delimitation)) == len(states_temp_delimitation) and states_temp_delimitation[-1] == n_time_points: break err = 0 for states in range(self.n_clusters): gamma[int(states_temp_delimitation[states]):int(states_temp_delimitation[states + 1]), states] = 1 Xstar = np.reshape(X[:, gamma[:, states] == 1, :], [sum(gamma[:, states]) * n_samples, n_regions]) ystar = np.reshape(y[:, gamma[:, states] == 1, :], [sum(gamma[:, states]) * n_samples, n_label_features]) decoding_mats[states,:,:] = np.linalg.pinv(np.transpose(Xstar) @ Xstar + 0.0001 * np.eye(np.shape(Xstar)[1])) @ ((np.transpose(Xstar) @ ystar)) err = err + np.sqrt(sum(sum((ystar - Xstar @ decoding_mats[states,:,:]) ** 2, 2))) if err < err_best: err_best = err gamma_best = gamma decoding_mats_best = decoding_mats self.gamma_ = gamma_best self.decoding_mats_ = decoding_mats_best def _fit_fixed_sequential(self, X, y): # TODO pass def __check(self, X, y): # TODO check if dimensions and values of parameters are correct """ dimensions X and y == (n_samples, n_time_points, n_regions) and (n_samples, n_time_points, n_label_features) dimensions (and values) transition_scheme == (self.n_clusters, self.n_clusters) dimensions gamma_init == (n_time_points, self.n_clusters) dimensions decoding_mats_init == (self.n_clusters, n_regions, n_label_features) :return: None """ if len(X.shape) != 3: print("X need to be in 3 dimensions (n_samples, n_time_points, n_regions)") return False if len(y.shape) != 3: print("y need to be in 3 dimensions (n_samples, n_time_points, n_label_features)") return False if X.shape[0] != y.shape[0] or X.shape[1] != y.shape[1]: print("The first two dimensions of X and y must be the same") return False if self.transition_scheme is not None: self.transition_scheme = np.array(self.transition_scheme).astype(int) if self.transition_scheme.shape != (self.n_clusters, self.n_clusters): print("transition_scheme's dimensions need to be: (n_clusters, n_clusters)") return False if self.init_scheme is not None: self.init_scheme = np.array(self.init_scheme).astype(int) if self.init_scheme.shape != self.n_clusters: print("init_scheme's dimensions need to be: (n_clusters,)") return False if self.gamma_init is not None: self.gamma_init = np.array(self.gamma_init).astype(int) if self.gamma_init.shape != (X.shape[1], self.n_clusters): print("gamma_init's dimensions need to be: (n_time_points, n_clusters)") return False if self.decoding_mats_init is not None and self.decoding_mats_init.shape != (self.n_clusters, X.shape[2], y.shape[2]): print("decoding_mats_init's dimensions need to be: (n_samples, n_time_points, n_label_features)") return False return True